I'm an ND creative, strategic business coach and mentor. I've been a Certified Gallup Strengths Coach since 2018, and am passionate about bringing my 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur, marketer and Life & Business Design Strategist to help business owners discover and develop their unique strengths and talents so they can free their potential and go out and change the world!

For years, I knew I was different. I thought differently, I acted differently and despite successfully growing a 6-figure whiteboard animation business (which I started with no experience or background in!), I often felt misunderstood and unable to communicate to others why I was how I was, and why I quickly got bored of just doing that one thing and needed to do more.


Within a very short amount of time, I made 4 discoveries, and for the first time I really felt empowered to not only understand myself, but also to communicate this to others to help them understand too. I could take ownership of my complete uniqueness in the world, and developed a deep acceptance of every single person's unique individuality in this world too. I also realised that we all have a legacy we can leave in this life, and if we don't fulfill our potential, then the world misses out on our brilliance.


I found out that I had ADHD, that I was a multi-potentialite (I can't do just one thing at a time, which is why I have 4 different businesses, including this one!), I learned about design thinking and I took my CliftonStrengths assessment, which was THE most life-changing moment for me, even moreso than the other 3 discoveries.







This means that I am a great ideas person - very creative, and can brainstorm all day long. I can help people find innovative and unique solutions to problems, or radically crazy ways to improve what they're doing. I am a bit of a course junkie, and love to learn (and teach) about so many different things. I can really help others cast a long-term vision, and take good things and make them great.


My WHY underpins everything I do, and connects the seemingly unconnected businesses I have. In a previous life as a Montessori teacher (yep, I did that too!), I heard this quote:

"If you free a child's potential, you will transform him into the world."

- Maria Montessori

I had a real light-bulb moment with that one when I saw it again on a wall while dropping my son off at his nursery. There are so many people who are not reaching their full potential because there are defaults in their life that are holding them back. Maybe it is the way the world tells them they should be, maybe school or the workplace, or their family or friends have introduced that critical voice, maybe limiting beliefs are paralysing them or maybe their health, finances or something else is holding them back. I'm a bit of a disruptor and innovator, and so I want to challenge those things, and help to free people of all the things that hold them back, so they can truly maximize their potential and live their completely best life.


I love a good system that is easy and makes sense. When I discovered Design Thinking, I found my system.

Life Design is based on that Design Thinking approach, which is the way in which product designers will go about designing a new innovation, applied to our lives. Our futures and our paths can be intentionally designed, and we have many options ahead of us, as long as we have an open mind, can get seriously intentional about being proactive and taking control of our lives, and we can set about achieving anything we want by following the Life Design process of:

  • Getting curious and always asking questions so you reconnect with your child-like imagination
  • Trying new things, building your way forward
  • Reframe problems and shifting your perspective to see things in a new light
  • Knowing it is a process, there will be good times, bad times and we can all learn from the adventure
  • Asking for help and radically collaborating with other people, because you are not alone


It's estimated that 50-70% of people will experience a trauma at some point in their life, and can go on to severely impact the way you show up in the world, how you react to stressors and perceived stressors, and how you go about doing the things you do. Our nervous system is designed to protect us, and the source of your limiting beliefs, RSD, self-sabotage and reactions may be being triggered by underlying trauma, and your body goes into a state of fight, flight, flee or fawn. Through coaching and assessments, I help people identify these areas and help them to put in place coping strategies and techniques to overcome them. I do this from a sensorial approach, using your senses as anchors for positive and powerful change.

Design your best life, live in your strengths and make a difference in the world!

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